Friday, March 18, 2011

I hope, that if I were to draw an a aerial view of my life, it would resemble the profile of a Japanese maple...
This type of tree doesn't grow too tall, but its colorful branches are long and expand all around
If I were to draw an aerial view of my life, each branch would be a place I've been, a friend I've made or a dream I've had
If I ever draw an aerial view of my life, I hope you'll take a moment to enjoy the shade
Calligraphy fascinates me...through history, men have made an art of leaving a record of their thoughts, live and stories. Sometimes pointy, sometimes dotty and others curvy, almost adding to the tone and helping build the story

Certain kinds of writing make words look like a landscape, other look like a song. In my favorite kind, ink is just a thread that goes up and down and links words and thoughts together into a long, long scarf,... or a blanket if the plot gets more complex.

This winter, I am knitting stories for a friend, hoping they will keep you warm